Automotive Electrical

Automotive Computerized Signal Acquisition Modules

Automotive Communication

Computerized signal acquisition module (SAM) is a computerized electronic unit that helps in acquiring signals from the various sensors and actuators, they are usually found in vehicles with numerous sensors and actuators. They receive and organize the collection of these signals from the sensors. They may also interpret these signal and sends instructions to the actuators or control module. They are responsible for the internal automotive communication of electrical components and systems in the vehicle. Learn more about diagnosing faults from Automotive Communication on our free Courses.

Automotive Communication and wirings

Automotive Computerized Signal Acquisition Modules are usually located in various parts of the vehicle depending on the numbers of electrical and electronics systems in the vehicle. The higher the number of sensors and actuators in the vehicle, the more signal are generated and need to be interpreted therefore there may be multiple computerized signal acquisition module in the vehicle. Learn more on how to diagnose faults from Automotive Communication on our free books.

Automotive Control Modules (Automotive Communication)

Every electrical components or systems in the vehicle that performs multiple tasks especially the ones that does actuation usually have a control module.
Control modules are located in almost every system and component in a vehicle with complex electrical and electronic system. The control module is usually an electronic and computerized device that controls the operation of certain systems and components in the vehicle. It controls the components and systems by actuating them at certain conditions it has been programmed to do so. It is responsible for the internal control and management of the vehicle and automotive communication. Get your Automotive Computerized Modules and other replacement parts here.

Automotive Communication and Modules


Multiplexing is a technology whereby multiple functions are done by one component, circuit or cable. It is when a certain cable or circuit can perform series of operations that should have been performed by different components, circuits or cable individually.
Like in an electrical device, one cable send signal to turn it on, another cable send signal to adjust it upwards, another cable send signal to adjust it downwards, another send signals to pause its movement, another send signal to reset it, When a single cable now perform these five functions, it is known as multiplexing or better still multiplexing is when a single device, cable or circuit performs multiple functions. Multiplexing is simply electrical signals for automotive communication.

This system involves a voltage signal interpreter that interprets different voltage to have different actuating command. For example a pair of cables (one earth and one life) can perform the functions of several cables by sending various commands at various voltages. In an automated car door system a pair of cables can be used to send commands to open the door, close the door, activate self-lock, deactivate self-lock and others at various voltages values e.g. 2v, 6v, 9v, 12v respectively. Get your Automotive tools for diagnosing and fixing Automotive Electrical Faults.

Multiplexing helps to reduce wirings and connections in complex automotive electrical system and also helps to improve automotive communication. This implies better users experience, better and easier for fault diagnostics and repairs.

Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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