
Brake Pads and Shoe replacement

Brake Pads/Shoes are materials that provides frictions which helps to control braking in automobile they may be ceramic or metallic in composition, they usually wear out as the brake is been applied, and eventually they become worn out.

As brake pads/shoes worn out they simultaneously reduce the braking effect of the vehicle as the brake no longer have firm grip as they ought to, when this occurs the worn out brake pads/shoes ought to be replaced.

Brake disk

Brake Pads and brake shoes replacement is a “common repair job”

Common repairs jobs include jobs cases that deal with easily diagnosable vehicle’s faults symptoms.

These jobs faults can easily be diagnosed by technicians and even customers as the symptoms of these are cases are easily noticeable and are regular occurrence to vehicles in most automobile repairs shops. These jobs can be mechanical repairs jobs, electrical repairs job or body work repairs job or sometimes a combination of two or more.

Various common repairs jobs cases have their various noticeable peculiar symptoms. Some common repairs jobs cases that usually visit the workshop and their noticeable peculiar symptoms are listed on the Table B.

The repair methods for these common repairs jobs cases differs with various vehicle brands and models, but basically most times its repairs operations is usually dissembling of such faulty or bad component or system, the damage component or system are either replaced or serviced then they are reassembled and tested.

Various tools and equipment are used to perform such repairs operations.

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The role the artisans perform in these common repairs jobs cases includes;
Bring out of tools and equipment needed for the repairs or servicing.
Helping in loosening or tightening some components.
Holding some component while assembling or disassembling.
Cleaning of components before and after repairs.
Surface finishing of components before fixing them.
Assisting in controlling the vehicles actuators while repairing.
Testing of vehicles after repairs.

Back to Brakes….

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Some modern vehicles that have sensors connected to their brake pad/shoe display warning lights and messages on their dashboard indicating worn out brake pads/shoes when they are worn out. Brake pads/shoes does not have specific time interval for replacement, but it is replaced periodically when it starts showing signs that it has worn out.

Procedure for the replacement of brake pads/shoes differs for various vehicle brands and models likewise the tools used.

During brake pads/shoes replacement, the artisans assists in bringing out tools and also helps in disassembling some components.

Brake Shoes

Air Filter is a component in the automobile that helps to filter the air that enters the internal combustion (IC) engine which mixes with fuel for combustion to take place. Overtime the air vent becomes clogged with dust particles. The air filter should be cleaned regularly by dusting it out using pressurized air to flush it out. This cleaning does not have specific time interval to be done but should be done periodically.

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Sir filter

The time interval for this periodic cleaning are determine by the following factors;
Usage of the car
Type of air filter

The artisans usually do most of the air vent cleaning as it is one of the simple jobs done in the workshop that require little or no technical skills to perform.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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