Automotive Electrical

The Automotive Charging System.

The Automotive Charging System The Automotive charging system is responsible for the charging of the vehicle battery and also powering of the electrical systems and components in the vehicle. The various components in the Automotive charging system include:Alternator.Cable and connections.DC generator. Click the link to get any of these components in the Automotive Charging System. […]

Automotive Electrical

Automotive Lightings, Dashboard, Motor Electronics and More.

Car lightings Lightings are very important system in the vehicle; there are numerous kinds of lightings in the vehicle they range from headlight, taillight, parking light, brake light, door light etc. these light are usually connected to relays and fuses then to power source depending on the type of the light. Lights connections are usually […]

Automotive Electrical Uncategorized

Automotive Electronic Brake

Electronic Brake Electronic brake is a type of brake that is powered electrically unlike hydraulic brakes. When the brake is engage by pushing of the brake pedal or pulling the handbrake (emergency brake) it sends a signal to the Vehicle’s Computer which then actuate the electric braking process to function. The electronic brake uses an […]

Automotive Diagnostics Automotive Electrical

What you need to know about the car battery.

The Car Battery The Car Battery is a source of Energy to the Vehicle. It converts Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy which it supplies to the Vehicle. It is the power house of the Electrical system of the vehicle, as without battery there is little or no functioning of the vehicle. A Battery is needed […]