
Tips To Keep Your Car Running Forever

Maintenance schedule Every car has an owner’s manual. Car manufacturers know exactly what your car needs to make it look new. Still, there are many car owners who pay little or no attention to the vehicle maintenance schedule. The maintenance schedule will let you know the different mileage intervals and services your car has to […]


What is Automotive Computerized Diagnostics?

Automotive Computerized Diagnostics is One major problem faced by automobile technicians and users as regards automobile repairs and maintenances is correct diagnosis of faults and errors. This has caused many drawbacks in the automobile technology industry as many technicians and users end up being frustrated. This could lead to abandoning of the vehicle or selling […]

Automotive Electrical Uncategorized

Automotive Electronic Brake

Electronic Brake Electronic brake is a type of brake that is powered electrically unlike hydraulic brakes. When the brake is engage by pushing of the brake pedal or pulling the handbrake (emergency brake) it sends a signal to the Vehicle’s Computer which then actuate the electric braking process to function. The electronic brake uses an […]