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Automotive Electronic Brake

Electronic Brake

Electronic brake is a type of brake that is powered electrically unlike hydraulic brakes. When the brake is engage by pushing of the brake pedal or pulling the handbrake (emergency brake) it sends a signal to the Vehicle’s Computer which then actuate the electric braking process to function.

The electronic brake uses an electric motor to push the piston of the brake caliper which the makes a grip on the brake disk thereby engaging the brake. As the force is been removed from the brake pedal or handbrake the sensors automatically send the signal to ensure that the motor returns the piston simultaneously.
The electronic braking system is connected through cables to a mini signal controller to ensure its operation.

Electronic brake

Other Electrical Related Braking Systems

There are some regular mechanical (hydraulic) braking systems that require electrical power to function appropriately; they also have some Electrical and Electronic Devices embedded in them which aid the operations. They include
ABS (Anti-locking Braking System).
Electronic Stability Program (ESP).
ABS stands for Anti-lock braking System. It’s an anti-skid system that prevents skidding of wheels when emergency brakes are applied.

Some vehicles use ABS sensors to detect vehicle speed. ABS sensors are usually located on each wheel. Speed sensors are usually located on the gearbox. They read output shaft rotation and send information to ECU for speed reading. On some vehicle you can have both ABS and speed sensor. Speed sensor is used for the speed control while ABS for anti-skid actuation.

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Also ESP (Electronic stability program) present in vehicle such as Mercedes Benz aids emergency braking and stability just like ABS, it helps to increase braking effect on emergency braking when the yaw sensor senses an obstacle or pedestrian ahead of the vehicle, it also aids emergency parking, both ABS and ESP are present in all modern vehicles.

Electronic brake and controller

In Toyota there is also BA (brake assist) it works alongside the ABS and it comes up when there is need for Quick braking especially if an accident is about to occur, then any little pressure on the brake it will automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle to the barest minimum. For more information on Automotive Electrical Systems And Components check our free Courses.

Automotive Suspension

The suspension is a complex system in the vehicle as it has several components to ensure the rigidity, balance and proper functioning of the wheel of the vehicle. Electrical and electronic technology is being introduced into the various components in the suspensions, these components include:

Shock absorber: there is the pneumatic shock absorber that is used in vehicles to prevent excessive vibrations when the vehicle moves on a rugged surface, this component is an air powered device that has sensors that regulates it operation. The pneumatic shock absorbers can be turned on or actuated by the driver when the vehicle is being driven in rugged environment. This type of shock absorbers is electrically powered and electronically controlled.

The vehicle has compressor or devices that inflates air into this type of shock absorber to prepare it for operation, as it gives out it air when not engaged.

Automotive Electrical braking system and Suspension

Electronic brake: in modern some vehicle there is electronic braking system, this braking system works with sensors and actuators that helps in effective braking of the vehicle. Like we all know to brakes helps to either stop or slow down the motion of the vehicle’s wheel. This brake has an actuator that helps to sends out electric motors which are built in the brake calipers for firm gripping of the brake disc.

Electronic braking is usually applied in ESP, brake assist, parktronics etc. as the case may be with the vehicle manufacturer. To get your Automotive tools click here.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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