Automotive Diagnostics

Importance of Event history in Automotive Repairs

Importance of Event History in Auto Diagnostics Technology.
With Years of experience in Auto Diagnostic and Repairs, I discovered that diagnosis and repair are more accurate and easier with proper event history of the vehicle.

Automotive Diagnostics event history

In fact diagnostic tools do have options for event history and records, although this is available for modern vehicles. This shows how important record keeping of vehicle diagnosis and maintenance events is.

I advised vehicles owners to keep proper documentation of the service and maintenance event history, these records would aid quick and accurate diagnosis and service and it would be very useful to the Technicians. Also when you change Mechanics this would help your new mechanic understand your vehicle and take necessary precautions before making any repairs. It would also help the owner of the vehicle to understand his vehicle more and help him to take proper steps to maintain and the preserve the vehicle lifespan and it’s various components.

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Just as health events history Records is important for proper health services so also are Event history records to proper diagnosis and service to the vehicle.

Importance of regular diagnostics operation
Regular General body Check Up like Blood pressure Test, Blood glucose test and other medical examinations can help you avoid over 90% of health related issues.

Also Regular Auto diagnostics and servicing can help you avoid over 90% of diagnosable failure in your vehicle. This means that the vehicle would almost never experience engine knock, transmission knock or any related power train components. Also you will be able to know the exact faults and avoid wrong guesses, there are various types of diagnostic scanners available some of which are of user friendly that every car owner should own.

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Mechatronics in Automobile Diagnostics Technology.
Mechatronics is the application of Mechanical and electrical engineering principles in the operation of a machine or device. As we all know, early development of engines and machines where fully based on Mechanical Principles. The Automobile is one of these machines.
After the first generation of Automobiles, other earlier types of Automobile, that is from Invention to about 1996 for some vehicles were fully based on Mechanical Principles and Electrical Principles which were independent of each other. The mechanical components were fully mechanically controlled such the IC engine, Braking system, Steering System, Transmission, Suspension etc. While the electrical components were fully electrically controlled such as the Electronics, Lightings and communications.

These developments made it necessary to have two different engineers to work on the Automobile, which are the Mechanical engineer and Electrical engineer.
But in recent time technology has advanced leading to almost every component of the vehicle to work on Mechatronics principles and also causing the demand for one person to be proficient in the Mechanical and Electrical operations of the Automobile.

This implies that one engineer who is a Mechatronics Engineer can now work on every component of the Automobile, except other aspects like Body work, Painting and Spraying, Vulcanizing etc.

With the advent of Electric Vehicles, Computer programing applications and other latest technologies it is now a known fact that Mechatronics Engineering is the Way Forward.
With the advent of mechatronics automobile diagnostic technology is taking a new look; this is because there is a need to have proper knowledge of the uses of sophisticated diagnostic tools and software for diagnosing and programming. Also the use of the multimeter, power probe, voltage supplier, testing lights and other electrical devices for testing of circuits, actuators and sensors is very importance.

Proper knowledge of electronics technology is need as some of these components now possess electronics circuits.

Multimeter for Automotive Diagnostics event history

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Electric Vehicle
Electric vehicle Technology is still evolving as there may be more changes incorporated into the technology as times goes. With current day electric vehicle one can be assured that with proper knowledge of Mechatronics and Electrical engineering one can cope with the technology. Also possession of sophisticated diagnostic tools is essential in order to engage in their diagnostics and maintenance.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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