
Strategy For Managing An Auto Repair Shop

The Strategy; Setting up an Auto Repair shop can be very challenging especially when there are limited resources to start up. Due to this many Auto technicians get discourage from starting up their Auto Repairs shops or when they step up one it is usually substandard and they are not able to solve difficult auto repairs problem.

Strategy for repairing cars

Also the Management and Maintenance Strategy of any Auto Repair shop matters a lot, as these would define the quality of repair jobs done in the Repair shops irrespective of equipment and personnel available. Many auto technicians and repairs shops management has failed due to poor strategies.

Due to these and more challenges faced by Auto Technicians and Managers of Auto Repairs Shops, ASORO OSASUMWEN GIDEON (THE AUTO CONSULTANT) came up with a strategy for Small and Medium Scale Automobile Repairs Shop (especially in Africa) to set up and manage their auto repairs shop.

The structure of Asoro Automotive Consultancy Model for Small and Medium Scale Automobile Repairs Shop ensures that Repairs and Service jobs are done appropriately; this is implemented by the various approaches of attending to customers with various cases. The various cases of jobs that usually visit the workshop on a daily basis are categorized into the following;
Periodic Servicing Jobs.
Common Repairs Jobs.
Complex Repairs Jobs.

Strategy for fixing cars

The Periodic Servicing Jobs involves servicing and repairs that must be performed periodically for the automobile/vehicle to perform effectively, it may be monthly, quarterly, or even yearly depending on usage of the vehicle, recommendation of the manufacturer or advice from the technician.

Common repairs jobs include jobs cases that deal with easily diagnosable vehicle’s faults symptoms. These jobs faults can easily be diagnosed by technicians and even customers as the symptoms of these are cases are easily noticeable and are regular occurrence to vehicles in most automobile repairs shops. These jobs can be mechanical repairs jobs, electrical repairs job or body work repairs job or sometimes a combination of two or more. Various common repairs jobs cases have their various noticeable peculiar symptoms.

Complex Repairs Jobs are the job cases that give tough time to the technician, customers always don’t know the problem their vehicles have and the symptoms that are the vehicle produces are usually not easily predictable. When such jobs visit the workshop a lot of manual test are done on the vehicle to help detect the faults in the vehicle relating to the symptom it is displaying.

Strategy for fixing cars

When these manual tests doesn’t yield any useful result it will result in the technician advising the customer to go for electrical and computerized diagnosis which in most cases usually helps to determine the actual faults causing such unfamiliar symptoms.
The faults can either be mechanical related, electrical related or a combination of both

The strategies used in Asoro’s Model to solve most difficult repairs jobs it does include;

Consultations: Consultations from other technicians who also specialized in same fields is also important in solving difficult problems as no man is an island. This exchange of ideas and knowledge helps to solve a lot of problem faster and more accurately.

Strategy for fixing cars

The Internet: The internet is another vital tool for getting information necessary for solving some problems associated with various repairs jobs. Fixing a vehicle that is new to the workshop and has some components of different designs can be made easy by sourcing the right information from the internet.

Brainstorming: Brainstorming helps to solve difficult repair jobs problems as some information available from the internet and gotten from several technicians may be unnecessary and harmful when effected to the vehicle repairs procedures. Brainstorming helps to eradicate unnecessary and harmful information that are not needed in such repairs jobs execution.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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