Automotive Diagnostics

Limp mode in cars

Now let’s talk about limp mood in cars “Limp mode” in cars refers to a restricted operating condition often triggered by a serious problem with the engine or transmission. It’s a protective measure to prevent further damage. Limp mood once activated would limit the vehicle from accelerating above 30mph to 40mph depending on the brand […]

Automotive Electrical

How to change a car battery

The car battery is an essential component of your car’s electrical system, and it powers everything from the starter motor to the headlights. Over time, car batteries can lose their charge or fail completely, and it’s important to know how to change them safely and correctly. Here’s how to change a car battery: You can […]

Automotive Automotive Electrical

Testing Automotive Fuses and Fuseboxes with Testlights.

Automotive Fuses can be tested using testlights. The testlight is an electrical testing device that lights up a bulb when current flows through it in a complete circle, this means that the testlight has two ends; one must be connected to the positive terminal (live) and the other must be connected to the negative terminal […]

Automotive Automotive Electrical

What you need to know about Automotive Fuses and Fuseboxes.

Automotive Fuses are electrical device that helps to cut off a circuit connection in case of excess amperage or voltage through the circuit that could damage the component or system. Most electrical and electronic components or devices are usually fused in their circuit, every circuit has a maximum amount of amperage or voltage allowed to […]

Automotive Automotive Diagnostics Automotive Electrical

The Multimeter

The multimeter is the most important tool used in electrical diagnostic and testing. For any electrical circuit or system to function electric charge must flow through it. Due to these facts the following electrical quantities are important in electrical science, these are;Current (Amperage)VoltageResistanceAlso another important test done using the alternator is the Test for CONTINUITY. […]