
What is Gearbox Servicing about?


This is the system responsible for the transmitting of mechanical energy that is motion to the
various wheels of the vehicles. The transmission contains key components such as Gearbox and
the Clutch system. Power is transferred as motion from the engine to the gearbox to the
differential through the propeller to the axles and shaft to the wheels of the vehicle.
THE GEARBOX is responsible for the variation of the speed from the engine, the gearbox enable
the vehicle to be driven at various speed depending on the gear ratio it is set to. The gearbox
either reduces or increases the speed and torque of the vehicle depending on the gear ratio that it
is been set to, in order for the vehicle to be driven at the desired speed. Although the braking
system helps to facilitate the control of the speed of the wheel that is either to slow it down or
stop it totally, but the gearbox controls the speed and torque directly from the engine to the
wheel. The changing of the gear ratio is done through the aid of the gear selector.

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Gearbox Servicing

Gearbox servicing is almost similar to vehicle’s engine servicing, it is usually done in automatic transmission drive vehicles, and it involves the changing of the oil from the drain bolt underneath the gearbox, changing the gearbox filter and the bottom plate seal.

Gearbox Servicing Engine Servicing

Unlike in engine servicing were the engine oil filter is located outside the engine, which of the gearbox is located within the gearbox, therefore the gearbox bottom plate must be first opened loose to access the gearbox oil filter.

There is usually a seal between the bottom plate edges and interior of the gearbox, black silicone glue may be added to act as gasket. In the Asoro’s Model, gearbox servicing is recommended on a nine (9) months basis.

Some modern cars display warning lights and messages on the dashboard when gearbox is due for servicing, after which when done may require a diagnostic tool to clear such warning lights and messages from the dashboard.

Different vehicles has different inlets for pouring in gearbox oil (also known as ATF), while some vehicles have an inlet above the gearbox close to the engine with a dipstick, others may not have that as their inlet is the also the drain bolt below the gearbox, in such situation the gearbox oil need to be forced into the gearbox with special equipment and tools designed for that purpose.

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The procedures in servicing the gearbox can be summarized as follows;
Loosening the drain bolt.
Drain the old gearbox oil.
Loosening out the bottom plate.
Remove the old oil filter.
Remove old bottom plate seal.
Wash clean the bottom plate with appropriate solvent.
Fix the new gearbox filter.
Fix the new bottom plate seal and add black silicone glue when necessary.
Fix back the bottom plate.
Tighten the drain bolt (NB: pouring in of gearbox oil may come in before or after this depending on the vehicle’s brand and model).
Warm up the vehicle and drive around.

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Gearbox Servicing transmission

The role played by artisans during gearbox servicing includes;
Bringing out of tools required for the job.
Loosening of drain bolt (occasionally).
Loosening of bottom plate (occasionally).
Assisting in holding bottom plate.
Tools used in gearbox servicing include various sizes of spanners and Allen keys, drain tray, pumping tool etc.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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