
What you need to know about Asoro Automotive!

Asoro Automotive is an automotive technology Institute which has existed for over a decade and specializes in the training of Automotive Technicians, Students and DIYers to acquire relevant practical knowledge and skills in all aspects of Automotive Diagnostics and Repairs Technology. We have been able to serve over 5000 Auto Techs, mechanics and DIYers over the past decades with our services such as;

Asoro Automotive
  • Live Chat with an Online Mechanic; our experienced and qualified technicians are always online to help and support you in diagnosing and fixing all kinds of faults in the vehicle you may face.
  • Chat with our Online Mechanic live for free.
  • One books (hardcopy and ebooks) are available all over the marketplace such as Amazon and Kobo which deals on practical steps to diagnose and fix automotive faults. We have several ebooks in various subject matter as regards Automotive Repairs.

Get our free books here.

  • Our video Courses and lessons that would help you perform various Diagnostics and Repairs operations on Automotives. Our videos are available on our YouTube channel, social media pages like Facebook and Instagram. We also have well structured courses on various platforms like Udemy, Teachable and Skillshare.

Get our free Courses here.

  • Online Automotive Technicians forums: we also have several online forums for Automotive Technicians and students where ideas are shared and learning take place. With over 5 different forums with Automotive Engineers, Technicians, Students and DIYers from every continent of the world.
  • Join our Automotive forum for free.
  • Regularly Organized Conferences and Meetings: We also organize conference and meetings regularly where we help to train and teach participants latest trends in the Automotive industry, tips and best standards practices and procedures.

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  • Our active Blog: we have a blog where we update our readers with latest trends and news in the Automotive industry. Our articles are well structured out to ensure they meet the needs of our readers and followers.
  • One-on-one mentorship: we also offer one-on-one mentorship to our members and clients whoay require such. Visit our blog now.

Asoro Automobile Consultancy has a lot in stock to offer in terms of Automotive Diagnostics and Repairs Technology solutions to Automotive Technicians, Students and DIYers in our today’s ever changing world of Automotive Technology

How to access the live chat with an expert Mechanic.

To access the live chat with an online expert Mechanic visit our website on your browser either desktop or mobile at

Within a few seconds a chat widget would pop up with a message asking how we can help you. You would be able to chat with our Online agent by clicking the icon.

Continue your live chat for free through the chat widgets which is in almost all pages of our website. Our online agents and Experts would respond to your queries in the shortest time.

You can send photos, videos and other files for better description of the query. This live chat option is free and you don’t have to login in our site to use it.

You can click the chat icon to start the chat section and also minimize the chat widget with the minimize option.

Browse through our menu to visit our various pages. Check our blog page to get the latest information and trends in the Automotive Technology industry.

Also improve your knowledge on the various subjects on Automotive Technology.

Ensure You subscribe to our blog to continually get updated with our latest post which we upload regularly.

Don’t forget to click on the red notification Bell to get notified whenever we send you a message or post a new blog post.

Turning on the notification would help you have a seamless chat with our Online agents and Experts.

Don’t forget to register on our website as some contents are exclusively for those who are registered on the website. Those contents are tagged restricted content for guest account.

Get your Automotive Diagnostics and Repairs Tools by clicking Here and your replacement parts and accessories by Clicking Here.

Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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