
What you need to know about Automotive Transmission.

The Automotive Powertrain is the system of the vehicle that deals with the generation of power, conversion and transmission of power to the various part and components of the vehicle. In the vehicle almost every power generated is utilized or transmitted as mechanical energy that is through motion of the various members and components of the system; the powertrain is responsible for this action. The powertrain consist of the Engine, Transmission, and Differential.

Automotive transmission

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This is the system responsible for the transmitting of mechanical energy that is motion to the various wheels of the vehicles. The transmission contains key components such as Gearbox and the Clutch system. Power is transferred as motion from the engine to the gearbox to the differential through the propeller to the axles and shaft to the wheels of the vehicle.

THE GEARBOX is responsible for the variation of the speed from the engine, the gearbox enable the vehicle to be driven at various speed depending on the gear ratio it is set to. The gearbox either reduces or increases the speed and torque of the vehicle depending on the gear ratio that it is been set to, in order for the vehicle to be driven at the desired speed. Although the braking system helps to facilitate the control of the speed of the wheel that is either to slow it down or stop it totally, but the gearbox controls the speed and torque directly from the engine to the wheel. The changing of the gear ratio is done through the aid of the gear selector.

THE CLUTCH is a device that helps disengage the gearbox shaft from the engine shaft (i.e crankshaft) which enables smooth change of gear without turning of the engine. When the shaft from the engine is still connected to the shaft from the gearbox, the gear ratio cannot be changed, the two shafts needs to be separated first to allow the gear ratio to be changed before reconnecting them together. The clutch is located between the gearbox and flywheel of the engine. The clutch is a high pressure device, it is a hydraulic powered system and it is engage by applying the clutch pedal.

THE DIFFERENTIAL is a device that helps in varying the velocity supplied to the back wheel of the vehicle in a Four Wheel Drive (4WD) or an All-Wheel Drive (AWD). It supplies direct powers to the wheel there allowing for the acceleration of the four wheels in the vehicle.

Automotive transmission

There are two types of transmission which are
Manual Transmission
Automatic Transmission

Manual Transmission: This is the type of transmission where the changing of the gear is done manually. This kind of transmission system has a clutch to help disengage the shafts before changing the gear. The gear train is designed in an order that the vehicle does not changes the gear ratio until the clutch is engage and the gear ratio is change by the gear selector. There are usually different gear ratios up to five or many even more with a reverse direction gear train configuration.

Automatic Transmission: In this type of transmission the changing of gear ratio is done automatically as the accelerator is been engage simultaneously. This kind of transmission does not have a clutch as the gear can be change automatically without disengaging it from the engine’s shaft due to the kind of gearing in the gearbox. This kind of gearbox has an epicyclical gear configuration and a high hydraulic pressure system that automatically changes gear with the speed of the vehicle as controlled by the accelerator.

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Asoro The Automotive Consultant

By Asoro The Automotive Consultant

Osasumwen Gideo Asoro is an Auto Expert and CEO Asoro Automotive, He owns a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Benin. He specializes in Automotive Diagnostics, Repairs, Sales and Consultancy. He is an Automotive blogger and YouTuber, he has also authored many best-selling books on Automotive Technology which are available on Amazon and other major marketplaces. He also creates Online course which are available on Udemy, Teachable and others.

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